Terms of Use

Golf Traveller, Golf Traveller Indonesia and Golf Traveller Trade are trading names of Sports Travel Group, a limited company registered in England and Wales with company number 09172243 and registered address at 642 Kings Road, London, SW6 2DU. Golf Traveller Indonesia is managed by PT.Panorama Wisata Nusantara, a limited company registered in Indonesia.

Terms of use of this website:

1. Use of Sports Travel Group websites is based on the terms and conditions contained below. If you do not agree to these Terms and Conditions we politely request that you stop using the website immediately. By using Sports Travel Group websites you are indicating your acceptance to be bound by these Terms and Conditions listed below. These Terms and Conditions are a legal agreement between you and us and can only be amended with our consent. The Terms and Conditions should be read in conjunction with the details provided within this website about how the website operates and the golf travel products that are available.

2. Users are also invited to read our Privacy Policy.

3. Sports Travel Group reserves the right to change these Terms and Conditions from time to time without prior notice by changing them on the Site.

Accurate Information

1. Sports Travel Group is committed to using all reasonable endeavours to ensure that information listed within the website and provided in the form of a written quotation is accurate. However, we make no representation or warranty that such information is accurate and up to date or complete and we accept no liability for any loss or damage caused by inaccurate information to the fullest extent permitted by law.

2. If you find any inaccurate information on our website please let us know immediately (info@golftraveller.com) and if we agree, we will ensure that it is corrected as soon as possible.

3. Website Security

3.1 Sports Travel Group cannot guarantee that its website will operate continuously or without interruptions or be free from errors. Users must not attempt to interfere with the proper working of our website and, in particular, must not attempt to circumvent security, tamper with, hack into, or otherwise disrupt any computer system, server, the website, router or any other internet-connected device.

3.2 All users are responsible for ensuring that their computer system meets all relevant technical specifications necessary to use our website and is compatible with the Sports Travel Group website. Users also accept that Sports Travel Group cannot and do not guarantee or warrant that any material available for downloading from our website will be free from infection, viruses and/or other code that has contaminating or destructive properties. Users are responsible for implementing sufficient procedures and virus checks (including anti-virus and other security checks) to satisfy particular requirements for the accuracy of data input and output.